Jinx Core Library

Using the Core Library

The Jinx core library contains a number of functions that are generally useful, such as outputting debug text and manipulating collections.  To use the core library in a Jinx script, you must add the following text to the beginning of your script:

import core


-- other script code follows...


Core Functions

function write {params}

The write function sends text to the registered debug out function.  It will attempt to convert any parameter type to a string, and will iterate over the values of a collection, sending each value to the debug out function in turn.

function write line {params}

Operates similarly to the write function, but sends a newline character when finished.

function {param} (get) size

Returns the count or size of param as an integer for supported types, otherwise returns null

·         Collection – Returns the number of elements.

·         String – Returns the number of Unicode characters (not bytes).

·         Buffer – Returns the number of bytes in the buffer.

function {params} (is) empty

Returns true or false for supported types, otherwise returns null.

·         Collection – Returns true if empty, false if not.

·         String – Returns true if empty, false if not.

·         Buffer – Returns true if empty, false if not.

function {iterator param} (get) key

Returns collection element’s key for iterator param, and returns null for all other types or if element is not in collection.

function {param} (get) value

Returns collection element’s value for iterator param, or the return value of a coroutine.  Returns null for all other types or if element is not in collection.

function (get) call stack

Returns collection of strings indicating the current call stack.  The first entry is always “root”.

function call {function param}

Invokes a function param, and returns the function’s return value.

function call {function param} with {params}

Invokes a function param, forwarding all params to the function, and returns the function’s return value.

function async call {function param}

Invokes an asynchronous function param, and returns a coroutine handle.

function async call {function param} with {params}

Invokes an asynchronous function param, forwarding all params to the function, and returns a coroutine handle.

function {coroutine param} (is) finished

Executes the coroutine param and returns true if finished.

function all (of) {collection param} (are) finished

Executes all coroutines and returns true if all are finished.

function any (of) {collection param} (is) finished

Executes all coroutines and returns true any is finished.

Core Properties

public readonly newline is "\n"

The public property newline is primarily intended for use as a parameter for the write or write line functions.